Feeling Scatterbrained?
Scatterbrain!! Do you often feel like your head might explode with everything that's spinning around and multiple to-do lists?
Some tips to help you slow down the highway in your brain:
BRAIN DUMP - literally grab a piece of paper first thing in the morning and the last thing at night and brain dumb everything - to do items, thoughts, ideas, feelings.
ORGANISE - Take that list and then organise and assign it into categories in order of priority i.e "Personal", "Client A". "Business Tasks" etc.
BATCH - Batch up your tasks and monotask like it's no one business. Do all your blog posts for the month in one go, Group your admin tasks together, work solidly on one project, batch meetings back-to-back etc
NON-NEGOTIABLES - Permanent marker important things in your calendar incl breathing space for yourself and fun things and treat them like a board meeting.
DELEGATE & STREAMLINE - invest in outsourcing, apps or software the helps you easily do things.
TIDY UP - I know some will roll their eyes and potentially want to 'unfollow' with this alone haha but honestly "tidy house/office.. tidy mind". Having a clean, organised and tidy space will help you feel calm.
MOVE THE NEEDLE APPROACH - Do the most important tasks first that help you move the needle on your business i.e help you grow and bring you money or clients.
CUT YOURSELF SOME SLACK - Life is full, life can be overwhelming, life is transient - don't sweat the small stuff because it's impossible to always be on top even for Queens.
Image via Bran Creative