My Morning Rhythm
Often I get asked how I 'do it all' particularly the mornings with two little kids. A little caveat before I start... Finn is in kindy 5 full days and Ava has a beautiful nanny 4 half days at home with us so please do not compare situations. I also never would have been able to do this 3 years ago with the shocking nights I had for years with Finn so it's all relative. . My morning rhythm is typically the same each day so here goes:
γHubby is up at 4:30am walking the dog and doing music and then he gets finn breakie just after 6am
γ6:30: I wake up and either plan in my head the day or jump on insta. For me even if I've had a shocker of a night I get huge inspiration from those I follow to get going (literally the opposite of everyones advice haha) and feel inspired.
γ7am - snuggles with Ava and I use my babysitting friend "ipad" to help occupy Finn if necessary while I shower because I still like to maintain a slight form of privacy albeit few and far between.
γBetween 7am - 8am - Make all the beds, Finns lunch, pop washing on, vacuum and anything else while Ava is in the front pack.
γ8am - Feed Ava and then walk Finn to kindy while Ava naps in front pack.
γ9am - My work day starts and my personal morning rituals kick in... light my @kingdom_nz candle, review all my priorities for the day and figure out timings with my 'productivity journal' along with 20 min email blast. I also eat for first time now as I find too stressful in the morning rush to actually eat and realise I'm even eating. On my non work days Ava and I usually take it super slow and go walking at least twice a day and op shopping...she doesn't know it yet but ''s our thing' haha.
This isn't groundbreaking and I'm sure not remotely interesting to some (sorry!!) but I find this structure really sets me up. I don't cope or work well in a messy house.
What are some of your must-do's each morning to set you up for the day? Mx
(Image via @ilovelinen)