7 things exceptional online retailers do for success

7 tips for exceptional online retail success


Are you an online retailer really wanting to level up your business? Here are some quick fire things you can prioritise to make an impact on your retail business:

1.     Get consistent with your brand & marketing messaging

Hire a copywriter (a good one is worth their weight in pure gold!) or really sit down and get clear on your messaging, tone of voice, brand personality, content pillars and how to engage with your clients.

2.     Content loop

Don’t just stick a random post on Instagram, push to any other channels and expect instant results. Find ways to nurture your clients between blogs, your website, social media, Pinterest, Email marketing etc. Without thinking of each piece of content separately you should teak and tailor 1 piece of great content dynamically to suit each audience and then loop your audience between the various outlets. As you loop them they will gain greater confidence, awareness and a stronger relationship.

3.     Web and brand

I often see businesses pop an on-trend logo together with zero overall future proofing or thought into how their clients will grow with them or when that trend dates. We also want to ensure that from the first interaction on social to seeing your brand to landing on your website to receiving an email newsletter and then the product and packaging feels like an impactful and cohesive experience – we want them to bathe in your brand!!
Before you start dropping the big $$$ on advertising get your brand and web experience drop­­­ping it like it’s HOT so those advertising dollars actually work for you and the entire experience brings you a loyal cult of advocates

4.     Value first – always!

Under promise and ‘blow them out of the water’ on delivery of your product and service. From your quality to the brand experience to the physical product we want them to feel so much juicy value.

5.     Invest your time and $ where you see results

SEO for example is damn important! Get your SEO sorted before throwing your hard earned money at advertising. If you don’t post on social or overwhelmed with email marketing then pay an expert to do this for 3 months and see the difference.

6.     Client experience

Like with branding you want the entire client retail experience to feel seamless. Part of that is re-thinking the entire customer journey – for example; let’s take packaging… what was once a beautiful idea to send a thank you card is no longer a novelty but an expectation and a throw away item that barely anyone reads and more waste. Instead; take this item and make it a vessel for value. I’ve worked with lots of clients to rethink how we create connections with packaging and it’s been amazing to see the results (and the reshares)

7.     Focus on advocates

Speaking of reshares…you want to really focus on creating genuine advocates for your brand from your paying customers. Encourage them to share, review and connect. PR influencers are fantastic but don’t make them your only focus. If you do use influencers look for ones who are content creators that find innovate ways to share your brand not just a boring “paid” post. I also recommend micro influencers between 5k – 10k followers who are genuine and would be your ideal customer as they will often have more engaged and trusting followers.

If you take one thing away from this post its this - Connect a strong brand packed with value to loyal advocates waiting on the ‘experience’.

Half Light Studio


Half Light Studio is a multidisciplinary creative design studio based in Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand dedicated to Squarespace website design, brand design and business strategy.


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