How to be more disciplined with your time and energy at work
Tips to help you achieve business growth in 2022 through discipline, consistency and energy management.
Want to know how to achieve more and be more productive with your windows of time?
Do you often procrastinate and feel overwhelmed by an endless to-do lists?
You may not like what I’m going to say but we all know we need gentle nudge reminders.
.. or in the words of John Maxwell “ motivation gets you going, discipline gets you growing”
If you really want to make 2022 your year of change then you have to be prepared to actually change > you have to be prepared to do stuff differently > be organised, disciplined and mentally make shifts. The more our thoughts alter the more our mental state creates new patterns.. these new patterns have physical changes on the body.
Your body will physically react to a thought and your cells will change whether that thought has any factual basis. Therefore… what you input into your thoughts begins to determine the output.
So how do we elevate our thoughts and increase our discipline?
Surround yourself with quality input – inspiring books and podcasts on growth and good people who make you think differently
Get structured on your diary management – the more you get a good schedule in place the more free time you have that you can be genuinely present with and not thinking about the 101 things you didn’t get to. This doesn’t been filing every gap in the diary but curating a schedule that allows for fluidity and energy but with clearly defined output metrics.
Prioritise and execute – when you have a structured calendar all you need to do it turn up and execute what is scheduled in that block of time. No more flailing in a long to do list not knowing where to start. E.g When you block out a 3 hour window list the 1-5 tasks in order of importance and work through them without moving onto the next until the current is finished.
From a physical perspective quite simply – eat well, sleep well, move well, hydrate well
Meditate – you literally can’t do it wrong – if you keep getting distracted but aware and frustrated then guess what.. you’re doing it right. The awareness and persistence to continue is where you will find the gold.
Getting distracted..? - get away from your desk – go for a walk, go to the coffee shop etc. Literally turn off social notifications and move the phone out the room or sight – simply putting it out of sight will mean it’s out of mind (for the most part) and you’ll be more aware of your habit of reaching
Same environment = same results.
Change the environment = change the results.
Make 2022 the year to prioritise discipline and learn about your habits and brain. I highly recommend signing up for James Clear’s 3-2-1 email and buying his brilliant book “atomic habits”. Also great to look into Doctor Amen from Amen Clinics and Dr Joe Dispenza.