Spring Fling Series: Megan Raynor, Copywriter and Brand Strategist
Megan Raynor –
Copywriter and Brand Strategist
Megan Raynor is a twin juggling, peanut butter addicted, Copywriter and Brand Strategist whose superpower is helping brands work out what it is that makes them different before giving them the confidence to take over the world.
Here, she shares 3 simple ways to build a stronger brand.
Brand Strategy Services: megan-raynor.com
Instagram: @megsraynor
Before we get started let’s get one thing straight - a brand is not a logo.
A brand is the way people perceive you - through all of your design (including that logo), messaging, marketing, collaborations, products, ambassador choices…it’s the way they perceive you based on how you consistently show up, based on how you make them feel and how they experience every interaction with you.
And ideally, the way you show up is on purpose so that how you’re being perceived is the way you want your brand to be perceived.
If you’re reading this thinking ‘I already have so much on my plate to get this business off the ground let alone what this gal is on about!’ I totally get it. Branding feels like a lot.
But the great news is having a clearly defined brand makes your life a heck of a lot easier. When you have a brand you:
No longer have to spend hours thinking about what to post on socials or write in your emails.
Have a clear starting point for all future brainstorms, products or services.
Can easily communicate what you’re about to your customers and give them a reason to buy from you over anyone else.
Advertise, collab and promote yourself in a way that shows off what makes your biz special.
All that said, let’s dive into three simple ways you can build a stronger brand without the overwhelm.
Understand your audience
Your ideal audience are the ones who become loyal brand lovers and spread the word about your products/services. So you need to understand them inside and out to ensure your brand connects with them. Talking to them is a good place to start - whether you choose to use survey software or conduct interviews - talk to people in your audience (or dream audience) to work out their mindset, what they find challenging, their goals, their thought process when making buying decisions and where your brand fits in amongst all that. This way when you are consistently showing up, you can be showing up as the solution to their problem and give them so much love that they return it in spades.
Know your purpose
The strongest brands are built on more than just profit. They have a ‘why’ and clear values that help them work towards it. This ‘why’ (aka purpose) is the reason you’re in business beyond profit, it’s the thing that keeps you going even on the toughest days and often the thing that connects your audience with your brand emotively. For example, a client’s why is ‘to spread love through real food, wholesomely and wholeheartedly.’ This has led every decision she’s made as a business, leading to inclusive products so no-one misses out no matter their dietary requirement, nutrition-related content, ingredient choices, and community building where she brings people together through food. What is your why and how will that lead your business?
Be consistent
As I mentioned way back in the beginning, your brand is built by how you consistently show up. This is the most important element of building a recognisable and strong brand. The best way to do this is by creating a Brand Strategy - a document you can refer back to again and again, meaning every social post, every advert, even your answering machine message, all come from the same brand. Even better, it means as you grow and outsource (high five!) everyone will be on the same page because you're all referring to the same foundation - that Brand Strategy.